The book Dying for Answers by Dot Clayton was certainly an eye-opening read. It is a short, 91-page book, but it is chock full of things that most people would find shocking and appalling, even those of us who feel the government has always kept secrets from citizens.
This is a true account of one man, Glenn Clayton, who worked at the Nevada Test Site and what happened to him. He performed his job as he was told to do thinking he was helping his country win the Cold War.
Dying for Answers is written by his wife, Dot Clayton, to tell his story and what she learned through some investigative work and also through Glenn’s own written accounts of the events that led up to his death.
Dying for Answers is well-written but has a few typos scattered throughout. Putting those small typos aside, we can still give it our five-star rating on our scale of zero to five stars.
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