Thursday, July 26, 2018

Atheism Kills: The Dangers of a World Without God – and Cause for Hope by Barak Lurie ISBN: 978-0-9995139-1-0

I really wish Atheism Kills: The Dangers of a World Without God – and Cause for Hope by Barak Lurie had been written back when I was in college.

If I had read this book back when I was in college, I would have had the information needed to stand my ground against college professors who took every opportunity to speak about what they called, “The Christian Myth”.

This book is incredibly well-researched and very well-written. The author is a former atheist who found enough credible evidence in his life to prove to his sceptical mind that God is real.

In the book, he talks about all the evil that has been committed in the world due to the lack of faith in God, or in any religion for that matter. He gives his readers information about the rise and fall of different civilizations and what caused the fall.

However, this book is very much like Fox News.  It attempts to be fair and balanced. The facts are presented from both perspectives and both sides.  The author does lean away from atheism, which is to be expected. He presents the facts that an atheist would use to present his case for atheism.  +

Five Star Review

We give Atheism Kills all five stars.  We think that all Judeo Christian churches should have a small group scripture study utilizing this book.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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