Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Beauty Redefined: How to Feel Authentically Beautiful in Today’s World by Seline Shenoy ISBN: 978-178710-804-2

Beauty Redefined: How to Feel Authentically Beautiful in Today’s World by Seline Shenoy is a fairly short book at only 144 pages. At first, I wasn’t so sure that I was going to be able to give it a good review. Ms. Shenoy seemed to be putting a woman’s view of herself fully in her lap and not making those feeding her insecurities responsible for their actions.

As I read further, my thoughts changed. I understood that she was looking to help society overall, not just the women themselves, change its view and how a woman’s beauty is defined.

We are brought up being told that it is what is on the inside that matters. However, what is drilled into us out in the “real” world is completely the opposite. The world tells us we can’t be both old AND beautiful. We have to be young, skinny, and perky to be worth love and admiration.

Ms. Shenoy seeks to help women find that inner beauty that we were raised hearing about. This book includes an Assessment for Negative Self-Image, as well as a quiz titled “Define Your Beauty Archetype Quiz”. There are explanations of each archetype after the quiz.

Five Star Review

There is also an awesome section called “The 10 Characteristics That Define a True Beauty”. I printed out the ten characteristics and taped them above my computer as a daily reminder that beauty isn’t about looks; it's not that shallow. True beauty is really about what is on the inside. Even if this book were no good otherwise, it would earn the five stars based on this section alone.

I think it is a book that every woman needs to read and take to heart.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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