In his new book, Master Your Business Cash Flow: Grow the Company You Love, Live the Life You Want Now, Albert J. Zdenek gives business owners a few more tools for their toolbox.
It is unlikely that Zdenek and I will ever see eye to eye when it comes to debt. However, one must realize that his company is valued in the millions, where as the company my wife Suzanne and I have has a net worth of negative 205.80. Yes, we managed to reach that level with a grand total of 34¢ in revenue.
All joking aside, Zdenek makes a very good case for using debt to finance your business. It does make sense to use other people’s money whenever you can to finance your business.
Having once worked as a collection agent, it is hard for me to understand that there are people who are backed up about asking people for the money they owe their company.
We give Master Your Business Cash Flow all five stars and a pumpkin spice latte. We think you will, too.
We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.
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